Wednesday, November 6, 2013

New Fountain Pen

My Pen

I used the same silver Cross fountain pen for more than a decade. For weeks now it has been lost. I suspect someone picked it up not realizing it was a fountain pen. Disposable ink pens are common property.

I'm old school. I hand write almost anything longer than a couple paragraphs on white paper. I am forever changing or adding notebooks and have the bad habit of losing track of what I've written where. Regardless, typing at a keyboard doesn't replace my ability to organize my thoughts with the flow of ink onto paper.

I stopped by the Pen & Pad store Downtown. After describing my desire for a thin barrel pen with a cartridge which can refilled from a bottle, rather than disposable cartridges, the clerk said she would have choices from their main store the following week. When I returned, she had just one--a black Cross pen. I generally think of myself as more of a silver then gold type, but decided to give it a try.

I considered getting a gold nib, which would double the price. She explained the nibs have improved greatly in the past decade and I might be happy without 18K gold. I can always upgrade later. She was right. I didn't need a dozen choices. I wanted simply the right pen for me.

I am slowly learning to take the advice of others who seem trustworthy to see where the path takes me.

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