Saturday, September 8, 2012

ABQ: NotZozobra



View the slide show.

My neighbor Chris holds a NotZozobra party each year in late summer. (He's the guy in the slide show that looks like Santa Claus.) NotZozobra, like Burning Man or Zozobra in Santa Fe, is an annual Burning of a bogeyman. The Santa Fe fiesta dates back to 1926 and is said to have been inspired by the Holy Week celebrations of the Yaqui Indians in Mexico, who burned an effigy of Judas loaded with firecrackers.

My neighbor files all the proper permits with the city and invites the police and fire department. Good thing this year. The effigy-builders decided to skip the wire frame puppet and go with a Ziggurat constructed of wood frame and cardboard.

Don't try this at home.

We now know the traditional chicken wire frame serves the purpose of holding the construction together much longer, allowing for a slower flame, and retards the debris and embers from blowing everywhere. Luckily, the fire department was able to quickly get the blowing flames under control. Fun was had by all.


Below is information about the event from the neighborhood flyer.



A Neighborhood Tradition for 14 Years

Saving Mankind from the End of Time -  September 7th


The Legend:

I received a mysterious e-mail from a Mayan Cacique who foretold the end of time on Winter Solstice of 2012. He told me that mankind's only hope was to perform a complex ritual which would kickstart time and thus save mankind. He told me that on the last dirt road in Downtown Albuquerque, in an old neighborhood, friends and neighbors should gather at the end of summer for an otherwise insane and pointless act of catharsis.

He told me to build a Ziggurat topped by a Plinth topped by a Chronolith to a total height of 4 Haunabs.(1) To which I replied, "Right... What's a Haunab?"

He told me to have people gather 'round, to yell, sing and dance, drum and generally cathart. He told me that the person who traveled furthest for the ritual should get to light the Zigguart topped by a Plinth topped by a Chronolith and burn it to ashes. To which I replied, "Right... What's a Ziggurat, or Plinth, or a Chronolith?"

Please join us. The building starts at 2:00 PM and the Burning is at 8:00. Times subject to change.

Bring something to share.(2) Bring bad thoughts, IRS notices, a picture of your Ex or whatever to stuff him, or write your bad thoughts on NotZozobra before we burn him. The Burning is a kid friendly event. The party afterwards is more adult friendly.


1--With a tip of the hat to Bill Cosby, a Haunab is a real Mayan unit measurement of about 42 inches.
2--Food, drink, song, poetry, folding chairs, a winning Powerball ticket, whatever.

View the slide show.

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