Thursday, September 6, 2012

STYLE: Jewelry



A fun way to spice up outfits is to add jewelry. I'm a devotee of cheap jewelry to create instant trendy looks. A trip to the beach is made happier with a pair of large, dangle earrings.

In the winter sparkly pieces add cheer and light. Likewise, bird and plant-themed jewelry can welcome spring. In the fall bold, minimalist pieces can compliment a sparse, pared down look.

The proverbial little black dress can cover a range of functions--depending on the accessories. A classic blazer and strand of pearls can create a sophisticated business look, while the same dress with high boots and neon jewelry can be totally funky.

When someone dies, what heirlooms does the family argue over? Artwork and jewelry. Solid classic jewelry can last well beyond a lifetime.

If jewelry is valuable enough, like a diamond wedding ring, make sure it's covered by insurance. While a homeowner's or renter's insurance policy might cover burglaries (check for sure), what happens if the ring slips off the deck of a ship while on a cruise?

Photo and keep documentation of any high-priced jewelry. Make sure that documentation is stored either backed up electronically outside of the house or in a safety deposit box. You won't be compensated by your insurance in the event of loss if you can't prove that you owned the pieces. If valuable enough, jewelry should be professionally appraised periodically. A 20 year old sales slip, if it even still exists, might not prove the increased value over time.

Another reason to appraise is to determine the true quality of gem stones. Stories abound of stones being removed and replaced by lesser quality gems during cleanings. I'm not sure how often it really happens. But it's better to know what you actually own. Once again, it also proves the quality of the gem in case of loss. It's difficult to determine a gem stone value from just a picture.

Don't forget to clean quality jewelry once in awhile. A trick to keeping silver looking good is to buff it with car wax polish. Be careful to keep all cleaners away from stones, including amber.

Most importantly, have fun. Jewelry is a great way to change the mood of an outfit. There are wonderful pieces being hand-made by artisans around the country. While an original painting or a hand tailored suit might be out of your price range, an original piece of jewelry can be quite affordable. And you'll be able to wear it for many years to come.

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