Thursday, July 26, 2012

CULINARY: One Pot Cooking


One Pot Cooking

One of the easiest ways to simplify cooking is to reduce a meal to a single pot. When I want a day off from cooking, I throw leftovers of a meat and veggies into a crockpot and cover it with water or sauce, letting it cook on low all day. Presto, I have instant soup or stew.

For example, I will take the leftovers from taco night--seasoned ground beef and diced tomatoes--add a can of tomato sauce, green chile, cooked potatoes or a small amount of rice, plus any other leftover veggies that might work such as peas, and simmer it on low all day. In the evening I have a delicious pot of Texas-style chili.

Another favorite one pot meal is to use my large Staub cast iron pan for baking meats and veggies together. I either coat everything in olive oil with seasonings, or cover with a cup of water and dry soup mix, and cook the dish in the oven at 350 degrees until done.

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